Travis Dalsis
Eastern Michigan University
Dr. Baker and Dr. Daumer
4 February 2012
“FREUDIAN, FEMENISM, ETC: How to read texts from different perspectives”
“Texts in this book are not thought of as containing meanings. We argue instead, that reading produces possible meanings of a texts, and that there are always plural” (Mellor, et. al. 1). The notion that texts are neutral and that we add meaning and building understanding of them is interesting. I do hold the view that texts are written with an initial view of characters, plot, symbolism, etc. by the author. Reading another’s thoughts like art, in my opinion, produces alternative interpretations. Is the artist’s initial craft and interpretation more valid? Pershaps, as Mellor states, it’s not more valid but dominant. Reading texts, as I have experienced, can be viewed from several perspectives such as feminism, Freudian, etc.
I concur that reading does produce multiple meanings but perspectives as well. I believe that an individual's background shapes the foundations of their interpretations of text as well as the gender of the reader. This is what makes classroom discussions, literary circles, and book clubs interesting. That's the beauty of reading interpretations. If we all had the same thoughts and perspectives then the discussions and the text as well will always maintain one stodgy viewpoint.